Projects & Fundraising
Hallett Cove & Districts Lions Club
The Shed & Barn

The Shed Op Shop is open on Thursday and Saturday mornings from 9am to 12.30pm, selling a wide range of items include:
- Clothing
- Shoes
- Hats & Accessories
- Books
- Household items
- and much more …
We gratefully accept donations on the days the shed is open. The rear of the shed is the drop off point to accept items and is accessible by car and trailer.
The Barn Café is open and serving breakfast, brunch and lunch on Saturday mornings from 9am to 12.30pm.
Our speciality is our big breakfast, bacon, egg, sausage, hash brown and baked beans with toast on the side. Our warm scones with jam and cream always look and taste fabulous. For a lighter snack we offer fruit toast, coffee and tea.
The Shed Op Shop and Barn Cafe is located at 36 Quailo Avenue Hallett Cove, SA 5158.
Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us via

Peter Briggs Scholarship
Peter Briggs has been a resident and community volunteer in Hallett Cove for more than 40 years. His previous volunteering included numerous respected community organisations such as the Coast Guard and Hallett Cove Meals On Wheels.
In his later years, Peter was unable to physically contribute to these organisations, however he wanted to continue making a positive impact in the community.
Peter subsequently approached the Hallett Cove Lions Club and gave a donation to assist the club with a project.
The club accepted the donation and instigated a project that would benefit the youth within our community.
After consultation, the club set up the Peter Briggs Scholarship for students in year 12 who were going to undertake further study at a tertiary, Tafe or apprenticeship level.
The Peter Briggs Scholarship aims to help those who could not otherwise afford the barriers associated with the cost of education, to reach their full academic potential. The first scholarship was awarded in 2019.
The scholarships are set at $3000, spread across three years and one new scholarship is awarded each year. At any one time three scholarship are running concurrently.
Students are invited to apply for the scholarship through their school. A selection panel process occurs consisting of the school principal, a teacher and two Hallett Cove Lions Club board members, who collectively determine the recipient.
The project has proven to be a great success, with all recipients giving positive feedback of their success, both in terms of academic achievements and employment opportunities.
Community BBQs

One activity that is synonymous with Lions is the sausage sizzle. Whether it is a fundraising barbeque at a local community group or a council sponsored event, you will find Hallett Cove Lions and Districts on the job.
In the early days of our club, we held regular fortnightly barbeques at the local shopping centre, this was our primary source of fundraising.
However, over the years, growth and new amenities have allowed us to diversify our service to the community. We actively support local groups and events, from the opening of parks, community centres and festivities across our district.
If your group requires a barbeque to support a local event, contact the club secretary at:
Anzac Memorial
The Lions Club of Hallett Cove & Districts was instrumental in having the Anzac Memorial built on the Herron Way foreshore at Hallett Cove Beach.
As part of the Marion South Plan released in 2003, suggestions from the community and City of Marion Staff, included the installation of War Memorial at Hallett Cove Beach due to the Cove being geographically similar to Anzac Cove, Gallipoli”.
As a result of consultation in July 2009 between Marion Councillor Cheryl Connor and Lion Graeme Botting OAM, it was suggested that the Lions Club of Hallett Cove adopt the proposal as a “Community Driven Project”.
In 2014 Graeme Botting, Jan Cox and Katie Williams elected to address a council meeting in support of the motion. Subsequently Councillor Sheryl Connor moved a motion in support of the project, which passed through Council successfully.

The project was eventually completed in 2015 in time to commemorate the Anzac landings, when the Australian and New Zealand forces landed in Gallipoli on 25 April 1915.
Each year the arrangements, planning and management of the service are undertaken by Hallett Cove Lions and Districts. It is estimated that around 6000 members of the community attend the service yearly.
People attending the memorial service often comment that when the last post is sounding, you can hear the waves gently breaking on the rocks.
The 9th Combat support Battalion Warradale Barracks have now supported the memorial service since it’s inception. The Lions Club has also involved local churches, schools and many businesses.
Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation (ALWF)
Proudly part of the Lions Australia family the Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation (ALWF) delivers health and wellbeing information to schools and communities across Australia through a range of projects and resources.
Formerly the Australian Lions Drug Awareness Foundation, ALWF aims to help create happier, healthier and safer communities through our range of projects and resources.